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Day 12 : Mafia Island - Same ocean, different view

As Bary and his team on Bodufolhudo in the Maldives will confirm, I'm a shocker for forgetting essential bits of equipment and always...

Day 5 - Serengeti part 1: Zebra 1 - Lion 0

The Tarangire and Lake Manyana parks had both been stunning, amazing and exceeded my expectations by a mile, but there is something...

Day 2 - I knew it couldn't last!!

My last post described a remarkably trouble free day of travel, but as I have to come to realise, great airport experiences and I never...

Day 1 - Surely things can't go this smoothly?

No Mazzy blog post would be complete without a tale of woe concerning my travel arrangements and although this one was nothing like as...

Africa - here I come.......

So, where to next - that was the million dollar question. My first idea was to snorkel around the world. Not literally of course, but I...

Getting Here!!!!!! 1st leg - Valencia to London

I don't know why it is, that despite carefully planning everything down to the last second - my travels never go entirely smoothly. My...

Getting Here - 2nd leg - Heathrow to Auckland

My last job involved a fair amount of air travel - some of it long haul, and if the flight was longer than 4 hours, staff  were allowed...

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 As you have probably worked out from the title of this blog............ Read More


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