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Going Solo at 60+

Mazzy's Travels


This whole blogging malarkey, started when I sent a series of emails to friends and family, describing the horrors of my failed attempt at scuba diving.  They were well received and apparently everyone found them very funny.


Fast forward a few years and whilst enduring an incredibly long and uncomfortable flight to New Zealand, my daughter mentioned how much she had enjoyed reading those emails and suggested I write a book.

Unfortunately I have a very short attention span and knew that whilst the idea was appealing, the chances of me ever finishing a whole book ranged somewhere between extremely unlikely and never in a million years.

However, I did think blogging might work.  I would have a nice record of my trips and they may be of interest to anyone traveling to the same destination.

I also thought I could keep them nice and short.  Well if you are tempted to dive in and have a look you will see for yourself, that I will never be a woman of a few words..  


So far there are only 3 travel blogs, but as I'm determined to see as much of the world as I can before I'm totally past it, I hope to be able to add many more.

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